Week in Review 2023-01-09

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First week of 2023, back to work and starting new personal projects. This has been an easy week, getting the pulse of the new year, and settling back. After two weeks off getting back to work took a little bit of time, but now the engines are running again.

As the year started, I wanted to start with a new project/improvement, so I opened a newsletter. I have been writing in the blog for some time now, but I wanted to make it easier to read, find and have the opportunity to keep writing more about software, and cities.

The intersection between the digital and the physical, is something that has always been attractive to me. Thinking about cities, how we live in them, how do we create and evolve them, and how they allow us to be together is fascinating by itself. If we now take software into the equation, and think about them with data, and tools to analyze such data, the cities become even more fascinating creatures. So I’ll be writing about it in the newsletter. Sharing insights into how software is used to manage, analyze, and plan cities; How the infrastructure we use shapes how we can inhabit a city; or what the data tell us about how we live. If these, and related topics, are interesting for you, make sure to subscribe. I already published the first issue of the newsletter, and you can read it here.

The week had interesting finding, from links around the web, to papers and podcast, make sure to check them out bellow. This week also had good images around the city, such as this cyclist riding with his dog.





🤖 This post was generated automatically by the weekly script, using content curated in the issues of my repo in GitHub

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